Ready to Discover Your Strengths?


Check out my strengths assessment to help you with caregiving…and beyond!

Are you tired of hearing “you’re a superhero” because you’re a caregiver?

Do you want to feel empowered again, remember your identity outside of caregiving, and find out unique strengths specific to YOU?

Want to learn more about your unique type of intuition, so you can start making decisions that you feel good about (and don’t overthink)?

Are you ready to dive deeper into your core personality, learning more than Myers Briggs or the other personality tests ever taught you?

If the answer is yes, then you’re ready for a strengths assessment with me!

If you want to take your power back and learn how to truly trust yourself no matter where you are in the dementia journey, I can help :)

I’m now offering a - 1 hour 15 min video consult - just for you!

(After this consult, you’ll also receive a free PDF guide completely tailored to you, with everything we talked about in our call)

Have questions about the type of assessment I use, or if this could work for you?


Client Testimonials

I’m blown away. I’ve been telling anyone who will listen how amazing [your Strengths Assessment] is! I completely  understand why you [share] this with caregivers because we feel burdened as it is, and these qualities are something we are already gifted with. We don’t have to learn them! I’m so grateful. [You’ve] helped me find a renewed purpose in my dreams, and a new confidence in myself! I can’t thank you enough.  [The Strengths Assessment] was one of the best things I’ve done!  - Kathy G.